one of the problems at Fuller Seminary is that if one person on the faculty does something unethical, the rest of the faculty and staff will support the person regardless of the facts. They think of themselves as a "team" committed to one another. You may say, "This is a good thing"; but what about the victim ? Students come here from ALL OVER the WORLD (literally) with expectations of the BEST CONDUCT by Fuller faculty & staff, rightly so. If one professor goes ROGUE the rest of the faculty should take a stand against such a professor, rather than join forces against the student (victim). Otherwise Fuller is nothing more than just BIG BUSINESS , with professors making handsome salaries and speaking eloquent "God talk". We pray for some introspection at Fuller: ethics & morality are paramount ! Sure, you can get away with less than your best; there's not much way to held you accountable. Trust me, I know. I tried. BUT GOD WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE !

SAVING SOUL, NOT JUST SAVING SOULS, IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY & FULLER SEMINARY NEWS: this BEGAN as a defense of SOUL blog, and it STILL is, but I am also adding FULLER SEMINARY NEWS to this blog...albeit remember that some of the soul unbelievers are teaching at fuller seminary (ie nancey murphy et al). This blog is not necessarily a defense of Fuller Seminary...just commentary on what is happening. Not everybody is a soul unbeliever at Fuller Seminary.