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the good ol' days (or not so good ?)

THIS IS A PHOTO FROM THE "OLD DAYS" AT FULLER SEMINARY top floor old library i needed 3 carrels for all my stuff,


Showing posts with label nancey murphy fuller seminary patricia churchland kurzweil neurological reductionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nancey murphy fuller seminary patricia churchland kurzweil neurological reductionism. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2014


4/7/14 ARTICLE CLEARLY SUMS UP NANCEY MURPHY's DEGRADING "SPIRITUAL MACHINE" POSITION (I happened to find myself in Murphy's class as a student at fuller several years ago,having never before even heard of her name. In fact, I now realize my so-called "advisor" had a hidden agenda in encouraging me to take this class with this specific professor (a required class but taught by more than one professor) The belief of us being bodies without soul,albeit still Christian,definitely affects the personality & disposition of persons who believe such. Nancey was very supercillious & condescending. She had no respect for us as students, & I think she took delight in trying to blatantly in-your-face say that she didn't believe in soul, knowing almost ALL Christians,especially incoming seminary students are mostly traditional believers. In many ways she is a bully in such regard, & I believe she is abusing her position as a Christian seminary professor (but she has tenure...so she can do just about anything as long as its not a felony). I later learned that former Fuller seminary president,rich mouw,also does NOT believe in soul...this was more surprising to me because he was sort of a "family friend" for so many years & came,sort of,from my own tradition (Calvinist,CRC). Albeit,Mouw is not blatant about his anti-soul position,..nonetheless,I realized he was on the "other side" as well. But back to Murphy,she apparently had an agenda against me from the beginning...I don't know how she knew me or knew of me,but she definitely decided she was going to try to diminish me. I will leave it at that for now. She is NOT a nice person. Shame on her.search:,nancey murphy, Human immortality,physical bodies, Christian dualism,body and soul, Greeks,Hebraic,Descartes,substance dualism, neuroscience,kurzweil,churchland, ;*read more at
"...Curiously, the impulse to render us
spiritual machines comes not just from
materialists, but also from theists.
Nancey Murphy, a professor of theology
at Fuller Seminary, has surprised the
Christian community with the news that
humans do not have immortal souls
capable of existing apart from the body
(see her Whatever Happened to the
Soul? , Fortress, 1998). Murphy is less a
fan of Kurzweil's computational
reductionism than of Patricia
Churchland's neurological
reductionism. Humans, according to
Murphy, are purely physical beings,
though as a believer she holds they are
also... The view of human identity that
emerges from her writings is in the end
no different from that of the hardcore
neuroscientists. To be sure, God is
thrown into the mix
...If Kurzweil spiritualizes
the material, then Murphy materializes
the spiritual. In both cases we end up
with humans as spiritual machines..."
"...If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness..." 2 Corinthians 11:30,posted by vk
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