Thursday, April 25, 2024

It's NOT all genetic , also behavioral: "Nearsightedness reaching epidemic levels: Half the world will need glasses by 2050 -"

"The more time we spend focusing on something within arm's length of our faces, dubbed "near work," the greater the odds of having myopia ..

Myopia rates for Inuit went from the single digits before the 1950s to upwards of 70% by the 1970s as all children began attending schools for the first time..." 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

In Christ ✝️

In Christ, new Hope
ignites 🧨 its Flame, πŸ”₯ 
Eternal light ☀️ 
no darkness tames
With arms outstretched✝️
His love unfurled,
He brings new life 
 to All the world 🌎 

In every heart, πŸ’“ 
 a song 🎢 resounds,
A melody of grace abounds🎡 
From depths of doubt, 
He lifts us high,
On wings of Faith,
we learn to Fly πŸ•Š️ 

In Him, our fears 
find sweet release🎈
In His embrace, 
we find our Peace πŸ™
So let us walk
in faith's bright glow πŸŒ„
With Christ, our Savior, 
we shall Grow 🌱

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

R.U.Growing?✝️ "And we all are being Transformed into the same image from one degree of Glory to another...

"And we all, with unveiled face,
 beholding the Glory of the Lord,
are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the 
Lord who is the Spirit. 
So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect
the Glory of the Lord 
                           -2 Cor3.18-

Monday, April 8, 2024

A SIGN FROM GOD ? "This Is The Eclipse "Conspiracy Theory" That The Mainstream Media Doesn't Want To Talk About"

"Instead of saying that He is "the Alpha and the Omega", during the original conversations Jesus would have said that He is "the Aleph and the Tav"....Now the Aleph Tav is literally being painted in the skies above America, and hardly anyone is even talking about this..." 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A Prayer by ChatGPT πŸ™✝️ (per my command)

Heavenly Father,

We come before You, acknowledging Your sovereignty and power over all things, including the forces of darkness led by Satan. We recognize the pervasive influence of evil in our world and the harm it inflicts upon Your creation. We beseech You to protect us from the schemes and temptations of the enemy.

Lord, we declare the wickedness of Satan and his minions, who seek to deceive, destroy, and sow chaos in our lives and communities. We ask for Your divine intervention to thwart their plans and expose their lies.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we command every demon and evil spirit to flee from every sphere of influence—be it our homes, workplaces, schools, governments, or any other realm. We proclaim Your authority over all principalities and powers, knowing that nothing can stand against Your might.

Grant us discernment to recognize the tactics of the enemy and the strength to resist them. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may walk in righteousness and truth, shining as beacons of Your love and grace in a darkened world.

May Your light dispel the darkness, and Your peace reign supreme in every heart. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.


Friday, March 29, 2024

"Sudanese Christians introduce desperate people to Jesus as war rages on - "

"The war is nowhere near being over, but John and his organization – which we cannot name for security purposes – remain committed to their work in Sudan. By empowering local Gospel workers, they're introducing desperate people to the HOPE OF CHRIST..." 

Wow. Times have changed #GoodFriday ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️

Wow. Times have changed
#GoodFriday ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️☝️

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Get your #AmeriBible ✝️ Are they all signed by him as well? "Trump is now selling... πŸ“–BIBLESπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²— for $59.95. ..

Are they all signed by
him as well?
"Trump has announced that he's now selling... ✝️BIBLESπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²— for $59.95. ..The Trump-endorsed Bible is bundled with America's founding documents & a lyrics sheet for Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Written by chat GPT

"In Christian theology and tradition, angels are often categorized into several hierarchies or orders based on their roles, duties, and proximity to God. While different religious traditions may have variations in their classifications, the following are commonly recognized categories of angels:

1. **Seraphim**: Described as the highest order of angels, often depicted as fiery beings surrounding the throne of God and praising Him continually.

2. **Cherubim**: Often depicted as winged creatures with multiple faces, cherubim are associated with guarding sacred spaces and serving as bearers of God's divine presence.

3. **Thrones**: Also known as "Ophanim," thrones are believed to support and uphold God's divine justice and authority.

4. **Dominions**: These angels are associated with governance and rule, exercising authority over other angelic beings.

5. **Virtues**: Often depicted as powerful spirits responsible for maintaining the natural order and performing miracles.

6. **Powers**: These angels are believed to combat evil and protect against spiritual and physical threats.

7. **Principalities**: Associated with overseeing and guiding nations, regions, and groups of people.

8. **Archangels**: Generally considered messengers or heralds of God's will, archangels often play significant roles in delivering important messages or fulfilling specific tasks.

9. **Angels**: The lowest order of angels, they are typically regarded as messengers or guardians assigned to protect and guide individuals.

It's important to note that these categories are based on theological interpretations and may vary across different religious traditions within Christianity. Additionally, some traditions may not adhere to a strict hierarchy of angels or may have alternative classifications."

Monday, March 25, 2024

The strange thing about Pasadena CA

The strange thing about Pasadena CA is that for those of us who are not from there or don't live there, but who visit on New years day or attend a school there like Fuller seminary or something, ...

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

New Hampshire πŸ‘Ž ''Government Launches Holy War on Pastor for Home-Churching | "

"A report from First Liberty Institute explains that a request has been filed for a preliminary injunction against officials in the town of Weare, accusing them of violating the law by requiring an "expensive and onerous site review plan" for the church to meet in the pastor's home..." 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

about Paul Schrader's movie Hardcore, that begins in Grand Rapids and ends in Hollywood (which is not Bellflower)

prefix: anybody from the Reformed tradition, and especially the Christian Reformed tradition (CRC), should at least be aware of the legacy of Paul Schrader (a calvin alumnus, maybe or maybe not graduated); and the 1979 movie Hardcore (even if it is not recommended for young people; nor would I recommend it in general except for the purpose of knowing the significance of it for the reformed community) ; and also there's a reference to Bellflower in it (which is where the Christian Reformed settled in southern California back in the day, and to this day there remains a few CRC's as well as the K-12 Christian school founded by the CRC, and still in association with the CRC. Furthermore, many Valley students go on to Calvin College; another reason for being aware of who is Paul Schrader and in particular this film entitled "Hardcore". 

Above: my pic of Paul Schrader when I saw him at the UCLA Hammer Museum in Los Angeles years ago. 

 Ironically I grew up in GR (Grand Rapids, MI)  but our family moved to Bellflower when I was in high school. Paul Schrader begins his movie "Hardcore" (original title was "The Pilgrim" in GR ..and the kids are headed to a young calvinist convention (something the Christian Reformed Church used to do, maybe still do, for adolescents of the CRC)  with a big sign on a bus that says "Bellflower" on it. But before I recap the movie for those of you who haven't seen it (by the way, it is available, or was, on Tubi for free now, finally; & not for children by the way. See ; by the way, last time I checked it is no longer available on Tubi ; maybe they mistakenly released it for free temporarily. Maybe I got lucky). 

I guess I didn't see it because I hadn't made a point of it, and it hasn't been free until now. I'm not a "fan boy" of Paul Schrader just because of our similar backgrounds. If he creates good material I will applaud it. Otherwise, not.  But when it popped up as a "new free movie" on Tubi I took the time to critically view it. You can also view the opening scenes on YouTube at or

So this film was released in 1979 when I was 12 years old, and of course when I was a kid in the 70's in Grand Rapids it would not have been a movie my parents would have approved of, even if it was a Paul Schrader movie- or maybe especially because it was a Schrader movie. He was considered a rebel back then by the CRC- and may still be in some parts. 

My parents never mentioned him, either intentionally or because he simply wasn't in their sphere. I only knew of him because of little things I heard or read here & there- maybe at my Christian school (GRCH) or later at Calvin College.  I haven't gone back to research this aspect of Paul Schrader's life, but as best as I can recall there was some sort of controversy about Schrader when he was on the Chimes staff, and something about  the college chaplain, and something about the code of counseling confidentiality etc etc, … ; and something happened that  I won't speculate any further .. some say he got kicked out of Calvin; others say he graduated. Numerous stories abound and maybe we will never know for sure. Schrader himself may have started some of the rumors to add to his "rebel image". At this point, it doesn't really matter. 

 Even when our family moved from GR to Bellflower when I was in high school I didn't know anything specific about the movie Hardcore or any of his other movies. I don't even remember when I saw Taxi Driver, the movie he is best known for (probably, as he himself says; but some make an argument for "American Gigolo") . 

Here's one quote I come across re Taxi Driver: 

"In 1973, only five years out of Calvin College, Schrader wrote a near-perfect first screenplay, including revision, in ten days while living in his car following the demise of his first marriage, drinking heavily and attracted to pornography, guns, and suicide. No surprise, then, that Taxi Driver (1974) is not a cheerful work, displaying at length the badly tangled psyche of marine-vet Travis Bickle (De Niro), a New York cabbie who drives the night shift because he can't sleep anyway."

And of course I had never seen him in person nor even a picture of him. I mention this because much later in life when I was a young adult working in Los Angeles & exploring different parts, I started going to the UCLA Hammer Museum on a periodic basis (by the way, I also worked for a short time at UCLA as a chaplain in the medical center, and completed CPE there (Clinical Pastoral Education). Even though the museum is far too lefty for my taste, I would go there as a Christian evangelist and try to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ our Savior- if nothing else- leaving little Bible tracts underneath windshield wipers. My code of honor as an evangelist is that if a person rejects the gospel I can at least try to be influence or inspire them to be a good citizen. 

And one day I noticed the Hammer Museum calendar saying that Paul Schrader was going to be there in person- so I made sure to mark the date to attend the free event. Of course, Schrader attended the UCLA for cinematography (or whatever they call it now)- and for this event he was showing a film and having a conversation with a museum person (& I think he was donating some of his "historic" materials to the UCLA archive).

So I arrived a little early and entered the lobby of the Hammer Museum, and there was an elderly chap sitting alone on a bench waiting for the event to begin and I just passed him by to find a seat in the auditorium. What I didn't know until the show started was that it was Paul Schrader himself sitting there.

I wished I had known what he looked like so I could have said hello and mention to him our similar pathways- ie we both grew up in GR, both attended GRCH & Calvin, both grew up in the CRC, etc. He originally intended to go into Christian ministry, while I actually did so; but also dabbled in show business myself (more about that later).  It would have been a fun conversation.

Also, by the way, his late brother Len was involved in Hollywood film making, mainly as a writer- best known for his film entitled "Kiss of the Spiderwoman" - another film which I did not see until late in life- and for that matter- I didn't find it very compelling- and never actually finished watching it. It had a lefty agenda which I don't necessarily agree with- or find very entertaining either. But it did win an Oscar, for what it's worth. It stars the late William Hurt- and I noticed that Paul is currently married to Mary Beth Hurt- who as best as I can tell was originally married to William Hurt- but it ended in divorce (I think). 

Another connection to the Schraders is that Len attended the University of Iowa writing program in Iowa City (coincidentally,  I was born at the University of Iowa Medical Center when my dad was working his first full-time job as a CRC pastor- and my parents had interacted with Len on a few occasions). 

 Anyways, I attended the Hammer Museum event -watched his film about "Mishima" - listened to the interview- nothing particular memorable about any of it. Never got a chance to talk to him. With all of this as a prelude, let's get back to the Hardcore movie- as mentioned it begins in GR with kids sledding on a hill - like I did when I was a child - I think they show "Richmond Park" for the sledding scene (where I never went sledding- we would usually go to Brookside or Tower Park on the SE side).

They also show at least one Christian Reformed Church in the opening scene- I think it is Leonard Street CRC. This is the west side of GR- opposite of where I grew up. I would rarely come over this way on my own or even with my family - except for a few times when we might go to John Ball Zoo. I remember playing against "Westside" school in basketball when I was playing for Millbrook on the southeast side (I remember Bill Sall was their best player. Now he's the Calvin Coach. Small world). That's about it. Anyways, the point is that Paul Schrader was a "west sider." 

Later in life I've explored the west side of GR a bit more, but we never attended the Christian Reformed churches on that side of town (our family attended 1st CRC, also known as Bates Street). Of course we had west side kids in our class at GRCH- all the Christian junior high students (from Ada, Millbrook, Sylvan, East Paris, Westside, Creston, etc ) eventually meet at the one main high school (some of these junior highs no longer exist, including mine). The opening scene also apparently shows Paul's dad shoveling snow and Paul's actual house (lots of actual real snow- makes me wonder if they filmed this after the famous blizzard of '78? I was living there at the time and remember it well. And it fits with the timing of the release a year later).

There's also a scene at a factory, and also at a home that says in fading paint "Van Dorn's Celery"-  (apparently, celery farming was a thing in west Michigan for some time. See )  where they show some of the elderly folk talking about Reformed theology- all familiar topics to me

Later, there's even a scene where the main character - the father in search of his daughter in Los Angeles (played by George C. Scott) has a conversation with a young lady about "TULIP" - the reformed acronym for Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistable Grace, & Perseverance of the Saints - to which the female character responds "Wow, you're more messed up than me", or something like that. 

 Why is the father searching for his daughter? Because somewhere after reaching Los Angeles, the daughter disappeared. And nobody knows what happened. So after hiring a private investigator who is only partially successful or honest with the father, the father decides to go to L.A. on his own to find his beloved daughter. 

And here is where I need to mention some particulars about the movie that are misleading. Of course the bus says they are going to a convention in Bellflower which is indeed in Los Angeles county- but Bellflower is one of MANY suburbs & incorporated cities (88 in total) of L.A. county -and it is not necessarily in a "seedy" area as depicted in the movie.

From Bellflower to downtown is 18 miles.  If a young person was going to L.A. to be LED ASTRAY (no pun intended, but it works well ie LA= Led Astray), Bellflower would not necessarily be the place to go. Bellflower was originally mostly Dutch farmers- in fact my dad, as the son of a CRC pastor,  partially grew up there in the 1930's before moving to Holland Michigan. 

He has photo album pics of wide open fields- dirt roads, lots of open space etc. Of course by the 70's it had become much more established,  but still then and today is not near Hollywood nor the lefty craziness you might think (of) (sorry to end with a preposition). In the 70's and even still today it is a relatively mundane community - not a lot of exciting night life or theatres, etc. 

For entertainment, people might go to Cerritos Mall; or venture all the way downtown or to Hollywood for special shows etc. Belfllower is surrounded by other suburbs such as Lakewood, Long Beach, Norwalk, Downey, Paramount, and the list goes on.  For sports, there's Angels Stadium in Anaheim, and Dodger Stadium near downtown, and all the other sports teams, but none are near Bellflower. 

Perhaps Bellflower's biggest claim to fame today is the football team at Bosco Catholic High School. They are a regular top seed in the entire nation for high school football, and high prospects will travel or move to the area to attend Bosco- with high hopes of a college career and maybe even the NFL. 

Originally, however,  Bellflower (originally called Somerset) was a stronghold for the CRC- including Valley Christian Schools- associated with the CRC- which my grandfather (also a CRC pastor) co-founded back in the 30's. So the Bellflower sign on the bus is misleading. 

If this CRC father's daughter went to Bellflower- to get "led astray" into pornography she would have had to travel on her own or be picked up by somebody - to the other side of L.A. (county, not city)  - most likely San Fernando Valley (about 40 miles from Bellflower) - which is known to be more of a pornography -producing area. I am now imagining the snarky hyper-sexual punk out there reading this sarcastically saying suggestively, "How does he know it's a porno area? "

And the answer is: I study and read, and learn. Not from personal involvement in it. I also worked as a substitute teacher for the LAUSD for many years while going thru seminary and so I got to know the area from working at the many LAUSD schools in the area, and you learn as you go. San Fernando valley (not to be confused with the City of San Fernando in SF Valley) is comprised of many cities, from Glendale out to Thousand Oaks, and everything in between. Of course, there's also Burbank, Tarzana, Studio City, North Hollywood, etc

There's also the mainstream film industry in this area, including Warner Bros, Disney, as well as numerous other smaller film production companies. When I was still in seminary I bought a used station wagon a few decades ago- a beautiful Mercury Colony Park- & it just happened to be from a fellow who was a film producer living in Studio City and had used it to transport "suits" (ie film studio executives around the lot).

To put all of this into context: Grand Rapids to Holland MI (or Grand Haven if you prefer) (a drive I took millions of times to "grandpa's cottage" growing up in West Michigan) is about 30 to 35 miles, closer than Bellflower is to San Fernando. Basically, "the valley" is the other side of "the hill" – which Mulholland Highway traverses from the Bel Air area towards the Hollywood Bowl area ( I recently drove it with my elderly parents & my sister who was visiting from Michigan- showing them the sights-

Anyways, this leads me to another point: After my family moved to Bellflower, I still went back and forth to Grand Rapids as I attended Calvin College, and two of my siblings remained in West Michigan. And my grandfather on my mother's side still resided in GR - and ran a profitable butter business. 

Anybody who knows a little bit of Dutch American and CRC history can easily figure out who I am from all the clues I've given.  And people who knew our family -and made the association of us with my successful businessman grandfather (& his "mansion" in East Grand Rapids) -- assumed when we moved to southern Cal we were moving to a place like Beverly Hills - like a mansion or something. Because they also knew my dad was moving back to California to work for a successful televangelist Christian ministry- which evoked images of financial well-being, in the minds of some people.

However, Bellflower is NOT Beverly Hills. It's not a "bad neighborhood" necessarily but it's just basic middle-class houses - some areas nicer and more spacious than other- but some parts very close together- including lots of apartments. Our family moved to a nice 2-story home: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, big backyard, near a park, etc - also in an equestrian area- where some people had horses- and they would ride them on the nearby riverbed and on the streets as well. But it was NOT a fancy area that you might see in Sunset Magazine etc. 

I say this because over time- we would have CRC friends visit from west Michigan (some of them "Eagle Knights" -ie who attended GRCH & Calvin like myself)  and often they would come with certain pre-conceptions as mentioned only to find out we lived in an "ordinary" middle class neighborhood. 

Some with less class would return to Michigan and tell snarky stories about where we live as if we ever pretended to be rich Beverly Hills people. WE never did. And still don't to this day (although I don't live in Bellflower anymore, my parents still do in the same house).

We are not and never were a "flashy" family, nor was my wealthy Grand Rapids grandfather (apart from the mansion, of course). My wealthy grandfather drove station wagons his whole life, and kept his Lake Michigan cottage fairly primitive. Even today the driveway remains unpaved. His son who took over the business is more of a flashy type- in terms of cars and boats. But those of us who moved to Bellflower were never the flashy types.

There were also a few "friends" who assumed I was going to be in the movie business myself because of the images and associations they had in their minds of me and my family (as mentioned my dad also worked for a televised ministry that periodically interviewed famous guests as part of the church service; including the occasional Hollywood celebrity who had at least a little bit of Christian conviction). And some thought I had "Hollywood looks" whatever that means. But I never had any dreams or ambitions of becoming a so-called "movie star". 

One of these people I knew from Calvin showed up by surprise one day when I was still in Bellflower and she was shocked that it was nowhere near Hollywood and the film industry. And disappointed for that matter. She mistakenly thought I was part of that crowd. Sorry Audrey (& Eric). I never said I was, nor pretended to be (but that's another story for another time). Later, I did become a little involved in show business – but mostly for the sake of my Christian ministry- and trying to reach people in those circles with the good news of Jesus Christ (yes, I am an evangelical!)

CRC kids & families all over USA know about other CRC communities all over the USA from missionaries who visit their parish, & from reading The Banner, and for those who go on to Calvin, they meet fellow CRC kids (young adults). However, unless you're a rare bird, like me (or one of those CRC pastors who bounced around, or a family member of such a pastor) you probably don't personally know much of anything about that other CRC community.

 I'm such a rare CRC bird that over time I searched out all the CRC locations in California – attending a few- but mostly just taking pictures of them for a blog. Later, I did the same in the Chicago area- primarily for the purpose of getting to know the physical locations of these Christian Reformed neighborhoods. Even as late as 2023 I'm still doing this- most recently around the greater Grand Rapids area- wow -so many CRC's and RCA's and even Protestant Reformed Churches- it's mind boggling. I sometimes ponder how much more we could do as the Body of Christ if we could find a way to unite!

As best as I can tell, the only reason Paul Schrader used Bellflower as a prop on the bus was apparently because he knew of it as a Christian Reformed stronghold. I wonder if he has actually ever been to Bellflower? And as far as I know they never filmed any of the California scenes actually in Bellflower, nor even in L.A. County. From what I hear, many, if not all, of the risque CA scenes are actually filmed in San Diego County.    

New Hope In CHRIST, by cgpt

In the darkest night, a glimmer bright, ☀️
A beacon of hope, a guiding light.
In CHRIST we find a love profound,
A grace that lifts us when we're down.

With every dawn πŸŒ…, a fresh start,
A chance to mend a broken heart πŸ’”❤️
In His embrace, we find our way,
With strength πŸ’ͺ to face another day.

Through trials deep & valleys low,
In CHRIST, we find the strength to grow.
With faith ✝️as our compass 🧭, we boldly roam,For in His love ❤️, we find our home.

So let us sing with joyful voice, 🎢🎡
In CHRIST, we find our true rejoice.
With every step, our souls align,
In Him, New hope & peace πŸ•Š️ we find.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

I never considered Bathsheba a willing "Gregory Peck in "David and Bathsheba" (1951)"

How about you? Do you think that Bath is partial to blame or was she just following orders from the King ? Did she resist? We may never know until we get to heaven. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Make this a day for #SuperPrayer πŸ™ & maybe even fasting πŸ‘ "Who's performing at the Super Bowl 2024

  Make this a day for #SuperPrayer πŸ™ & maybe even fasting πŸ‘ "Who's performing at the Super Bowl 2024 halftime show? Here's a full list of today's performers " CBS News 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


But whosoever Lives by
 the Truth comes
 into the Light☀️,
 so that it may
 be Seen plainly 
that what 
they have done 
has been done
in the Sight of God.
          -  John 3:21

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

" Head Coach John Harbaugh started his postgame press conference by reading 1 Chronicles 29:11

"After clinching a spot in the AFC Championship game, #RavensFlock Head Coach John Harbaugh started his postgame press conference by reading 1 Chronicles 29:11 "

11 Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to You. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom, and You are exalted as head over all.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

whatever is True, Noble, Right, Pure, Lovely, Admirable, Excellent or Praiseworthy..

Finally, brothers & sisters, 
whatever is True, 
whatever is Noble, 
whatever is Right, 
whatever is Pure, 
whatever is Lovely, 
whatever is Admirable—
if anything is Excellent or Praiseworthy—
Think about such things.

     -Philippians 4:8

"CJ Stroud Expands On His Faith, Says Other Players Appreciate It"

"I've had a lot of great people who have reached out, and even guys after games, who just talk about how I mention God and Christ," Stroud said. "I always tell people that it's not me, it's him. There's nothing I can do to ever repay what the Lord has done in my life and I don't want to, I just want to act in what he's calling me to do." 

"History of Fuller Seminary | Our History | Fuller Seminary

He's still alive ! "Charles H. Kraft -" Wikipedia

"The Extraordinary Life and Work of Dudley Woodberry" - Fuller Studio

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Friday, December 22, 2023

WE R the SON: To us a child is born, a son is given,

WE R the SON:

 To us a child is born, a son is given, & the govt will be on His shoulders.  He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of His greatness there will be NO END. justice & righteousness  Forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty

Friday, December 8, 2023

EXCEPT for WITNESSING:"Do NOT be yoked together with unbelievers.


"Do NOT be yoked 
together with unbelievers. 
For what do righteousness & wickedness have in common? 
Or what fellowship 
can light πŸ’‘have with 

           -2 Cor 6:14

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Pope removed American bishop for being TOO GOOD⁉️

Pope removed American 
bishop for being TOO GOOD⁉️ 

"Strickland's more public positions on moral and doctrinal issues include urging Francis to deny Holy Communion to former U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi over her support of legal abortion, accusing the pope of a "program of undermining the Deposit of Faith," and condemning the prominent pro-LGBT "blasphemy" of Father James Martin, S..."

Saturday, November 11, 2023

πŸ‘✝️"Christian missionaries have witnessed a "massive move of God" in troubled Nicaragua,

"According to CBN News, Christian missionaries have witnessed a "massive move of God" in troubled Nicaragua, thousands of miles south of the U.S. border in the heart of Central America.

Missionary Britt Hancock reported thousands of miracles and tens of thousands of conversions to Christ among the roughly 650,000 people who have attended evangelism events in that country so far this year...."

Sunday, October 29, 2023

WITCH HUNT⁉️ "UKRAINIAN parliament votes to BAN Orthodox Church over alleged links with Russia. "

"UKRAINIAN parliament votes to BAN Orthodox Church over alleged links with Russia. The Ukrainian parliament gave initial approval on Thursday to a law that would ban the Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church after Kyiv accused it of collaborating with Russia .."

That we may be Partakers of the DIVINE NATURE,

"By which have been
 given to us Exceedingly 
great & Precious Promises, 
that thru these we 
may be Partakers of the 
 having escaped the 
corruption that 
is in the World 🌎 .."
                 -2 Peter 1:4

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Bearing with one another, & Forgiving one another,

Bearing with one another, 
& Forgiving one another,
 if anyone has a complaint 
against another; 
even as Christ Forgave you, 
so you Also Must Do.
              -Colossians 3:13

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Therefore humble yourselves

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.
       -1 Peter 5:6

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

FYI "SAMSON OPTION : Χ‘Χ¨Χ™Χ¨Χͺ Χ©ΧžΧ©Χ•ΧŸ, b'rerat shimshon)

"SAMSON OPTION : Χ‘Χ¨Χ™Χ¨Χͺ Χ©ΧžΧ©Χ•ΧŸ, b'rerat shimshon) is the name some  analysts  have given to Israel's deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" vs a country whose military has invaded or destroyed much of Israel.."

Monday, October 16, 2023

"Cataphatic theology uses "positive" terminology to describe or refer to the divine – specifically, God –

"CATAPHATIC theology or kataphatic theology is theology that uses "POSITIVE" terminology to describe or refer to the divine – specifically, God – i.e. terminology that describes or refers to what the divine is Believed To Be, in contrast to the "negative" terminology used in apophatic theology to indicate what it is believed the divine is not..."

Apophatic theology, also known as negative theology,

"APOPHATIC theology, also known as negative theology,[1] is a form of theological thinking and religious practice which attempts to approach God, the Divine, by NEGATION, to speak only in terms of what may NOT be said about the perfect goodness that is God..."

Friday, October 13, 2023

PeaceπŸ•Š️ I leave with you, My ✝️ PEACE I give to you; NOT as the world 🌎gives.

PeaceπŸ•Š️ I leave with you, 
My ✝️ PEACE I give to you; 
NOT as the world 🌎gives.
 Let not your heart ❤️
be troubled, 
Nor afraid.
             -John 14:27

Monday, October 9, 2023

"When asked what Jesus Christ is to him, rock legend Alice Cooper replied, “... EVERYTHING!”

"When asked what Jesus Christ is to him, rock legend Alice Cooper replied, "Well, I mean, EVERYTHING!"

"I mean, you know, we're not here without him," he continued. "Most people I know, young people, think Jesus Christ is a swear word. They have no idea who Jesus Christ is."

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Let NOT your heart ❤️ be troubled 🚫

Let not your heart 
be troubled; 
you believe in God, 
believe also in Me.
       -John 14:1

Sunday, October 1, 2023

By this All will Know that you are My followers:

By this All will Know
 that you are My followers:
if you Love (agape)
 One Another.
       .. -John 13:35

Sunday, September 17, 2023

"Vivek Ramaswamy was recently asked “What is your opinion of Jesus Christ?”

"Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy who is a practicing Hindu was recently asked "What is your opinion of Jesus Christ?" at a campaign stop in Nevada.

Ramaswamy answered the voter by explaining "that in his Hindu faith, Jesus is "a" son of God and not "the" son of God".

Don't confuse Professor Sander van der Linden with Sandra Vander Linde

This is not an endorsement of either just an observation of a similarity in names

Don't confuse 
Professor Sander van der Linden 
with Sandra Vander Linde

Professor Sander van der Linden

Sandra Vander Linde 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

with All your heart, πŸ’œ

You shall LOVE πŸ’œ
 the Lord
 your God 
with All your heart, 
with ALL your soul, 
with All your strength,
 & with All your mind,'
 & 'your neighbor as yourself.' "
                  -Luke 10:27

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

"Boy Dies, Comes Back, Says Jesus Gave Him a Message for the World"

Boy Dies, Comes Back, Says Jesus Gave Him a Message for the World

Jesus came to me and told me that I have to go back to earth and be a good Christian and tell others about Him," Landon shared. "I just want people to realize that Jesus is real, there is a heaven, there are angels. And to follow His word and the Bible, and life does get better at the end."

Monday, September 4, 2023

Prayers πŸ™for "More Christians are murdered for their faith than at any time in the last 30 years

DON'T MOCK GOD: "NOT A Good Idea To Put Up A “Chapel Of Babel” At Burning Man…"


"Now We Know Why 
It Was NOT A Good Idea
 To Put Up A 
"Chapel Of Babel" At 
Burning Man…"

"How delayed marriage in Ghana affects Gospel ministry"

James Cameron makes great movies. However, unfortunately...

"Cameron is an atheist. He formerly associated himself with agnosticism, a stance he said he had come to see as "cowardly atheism."

Pray for Cameron to #AcceptChrist #RepentAndBeBaptized ✝️πŸ™

"North Korean Christians report acts of healing"

Foley tells the story of a North Korean couple who experienced healing. The husband was a Christian, but the wife didn't even know it yet.

She became sick, and he taught her to pray for healing. Foley says, "She thought was the craziest thing she ever heard. And she did it and she was healed. She asked her husband, what was that about? What does that mean? And he was able to tell her about the Lord."

Prayers for πŸ™"Russian war affects Bible translation in former Soviet nations"

"Christians defy orders in Laos

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me:

The Spirit
 of the Lord
 is upon me:  

He has anointed me to
 Preach the Gospel
 to the Poor; 

 to Heal the 

to Proclaim Liberty 
to the captives,

 & recovery of Sight
 to the Blind, 

To set at Liberty 
those who are Oppressed.
         -Luke 4:18 -

Friday, August 18, 2023

"At the Beginning of Creation God made male & female. ‘

"At the Beginning of Creation God made male & female. 'For this reason a man will leave his parents & be united to his wife, & the two will become One flesh.' So they are no longer two, but One flesh. Therefore what God has joined together let no one separate"
                                    -Mark 10:6

Friday, August 11, 2023

JESUS said unto them:

JESUS said unto them

'Whosoever will come
 after Me, 
let him deny himself, 
& take up his cross, 
& follow Me.
                    - Mark 8:34

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Prayers for the Sentinelese to #RepentAndBeBaptized ✝️πŸ™#AcceptChrist2bSaved

His family in
"a statement at the time said: "We recently learned from an unconfirmed report that John Allen Chau was reported killed in India while reaching out to members of the Sentinelese Tribe in the Andaman Islands.

"He loved God, life, helping those in need and had nothing but love for the Sentinelese people. We forgive those reportedly responsible for his death..."

Friday, August 4, 2023

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Saturday, July 15, 2023

my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task

Me too πŸ‘

"I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of Testifying to the Good News of GOD'S Grace.'
                     Acts 20:24

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Ode to Fuller Seminary

In Pasadena, wisdom thrives,
When Fuller Seminary's light arrives,
A thousand virtues, in harmony, ring,
In praise of this seminary, we sing.

With minds ablaze and spirits aflame,
Students gather, eager to proclaim,
Theology's depths, both old and new,
Fuller's treasure trove, for the chosen few.

The first virtue, oh so bright & fair,
Is Fuller's passionate, unyielding care,
For God's great Word, a love supreme,
Illuminating truths in the Gospel's gleam.

Faculty, learned, with hearts on fire,
Except Nancey Murphy, inspiring desire,
To search the Scriptures, to dive so deep,
In God's vast ocean, His promises keep.

A tapestry woven, diverse & grand,
From every nation, a faithful band,
Uniting in Christ, with love profound,
Different hues, but one Gospel sound.

Scholarship & faith, hand in hand,
Inseparable duo, a mighty stand,
To wrestle with questions, never relent,
Seeking God's truth, wherever it's sent.

Fuller's community, a haven to find,
Fellow sojourners, hearts intertwined,
Bound by grace, not uniformity's grip,
Learning & growing, thru fellowship's trip.

In Pasadena , a place of peace,
The Spirit's presence, a gentle breeze,
Transforming minds, renewing souls
Equipping God's servants, fulfilling their roles

Practical theology,  Fuller's delight,
Apply God's truth, with all of our might,
Not just in theory, but in practice too,
Faith comes alive, hope into view.

The city itself, with its vibrant embrace,
Fuller's neighbor, its charm, & grace,
A tapestry diverse, culture's grand flair,
Inspiring reflections, God's image to bear.

Thru halls & classrooms, echoes resound,
Ideas exchanged, wisdom found,
Minds awake (not woke), hearts aflame,
Sent as witnesses, in Christ's great name.

Let us give thanks for Fuller's embrace,
The rich legacy & God-given space,
May our light ever shine, crystal clear,
Guiding future gens, year after year.

Fuller Seminary, a beacon divine,
Illuminate paths,  God's people find,
Knowledge & wisdom, faith & delight,
In Pasadena's heart, a sacred site.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Unopened presents 🎁, Unopened PRESENCE ✝️

Unopened presents 🎁,
Unopened PRESENCE ✝️

You don't have, because
You don't ask πŸ™
James 4.2

Discover the presents of God,
Discover the PRESENCE of God

Friday, May 26, 2023

-Matt 16:25

For whosoever 
will Save his life 
shall Lose it: 
and whosoever
 will Lose his life
 for My Sake
 shall Find it.
      .... -Matt 16:25

Saturday, May 20, 2023

I asked chat GPT to write about the history of the CRC and this is what I got back in 60 seconds

CRC: History and Reformation
Write an essay re the history of the Christian reformed church

The roots of the Christian Reformed Church can be traced back to the 16th-century Protestant Reformation, particularly the teachings of John Calvin and the Reformed tradition. The Reformation, marked by a desire to return to the biblical teachings and reform the Catholic Church, had a profound impact on the religious landscape of Europe. Calvin's theology, emphasizing the sovereignty of God, predestination, and the authority of Scripture, played a vital role in shaping the beliefs of the CRC.

Immigration and Formation of the CRC: The Christian Reformed Church was formed in the 19th century through the migration of Dutch Calvinists to North America. Seeking religious freedom and better economic opportunities, thousands of Dutch Reformed believers settled in the United States and Canada. These immigrants brought with them their Reformed faith and established congregations that eventually united to form the CRC.

Key Milestones and Doctrinal Foundation: The CRC experienced significant milestones in its early years. In 1857, the formation of the Christian Reformed Church in North America marked the official establishment of the denomination. The Synod of Dort, held in the Netherlands in 1618-1619, also played a crucial role in shaping the church's doctrines. The Canons of Dort, a key doctrinal statement produced during the synod, affirmed the teachings of Calvinism, including the doctrine of election and predestination.

Missions and Education: The CRC has consistently emphasized the importance of missions and education. Mission work began in the late 19th century when the CRC sent missionaries to various parts of the world, including China, Indonesia, Nigeria, and other countries. The church's commitment to spreading the Gospel globally led to the establishment of mission schools, hospitals, and churches in these regions.

The CRC also placed a strong emphasis on education. The founding of Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary in the late 19th century provided a solid educational foundation for future ministers and leaders of the denomination. These institutions have since grown to become respected centers of Reformed theological education.

Social Engagement and Transformation: The Christian Reformed Church has sought to engage with social issues and bring about positive change in society. In the mid-20th century, the CRC played an active role in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, advocating for racial equality and justice. The church's commitment to social justice has extended to issues such as poverty, environmental stewardship, and immigration.

The CRC's efforts to address social issues have also involved collaboration with ecumenical organizations and interfaith dialogue. The church's participation in the National Council of Churches and its engagement with other Christian denominations have demonstrated its commitment to unity and cooperation within the broader Christian community.

Conclusion: The Christian Reformed Church has a rich and diverse history, shaped by the theological heritage of the Reformation, the experiences of Dutch immigrants, and a commitment to biblical principles. Throughout its journey, the CRC has placed an emphasis on missions, education, and social engagement, seeking to faithfully live out its calling as a body of believers. As the church continues to navigate the challenges of the modern world, it remains rooted in its Reformed tradition while embracing the call to love God and serve others.....