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Reformation Theology Blog

the good ol' days (or not so good ?)

THIS IS A PHOTO FROM THE "OLD DAYS" AT FULLER SEMINARY top floor old library i needed 3 carrels for all my stuff,


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Bible Mnemonics (no rights reserved, no copyright)

Bible Mnemonics
AAA: Do NOT be anxious about anything 🚫
ROGG: Radiance of God's Glory
BOM: Brothers of Mine
CAP: Called according to His purpose

ICDAT: I can do ALL things thru Christ
FOE: Fix our Eyes πŸ‘€ on Jesus✝️
FLOG: Nothing can separate us
from the Love ❤️ of God
WIG: HE has shown you
O man What is Good

HIP: HE is Patient
WESH: Who Earnestly seek Him
TAU: Transcends all understanding
TYMD: That you may declare..

BOP: NOT a spirit of Timidity but of Power πŸ’ͺ
BAW: Boast about Weakness
LYE:  Love your Enemies
BAND: Believe & do NOT doubt

CLIMB: I no longer live
but Christ Lives in ME
BIL: My burden is LightπŸ•―️
CYS: Confess your sins ✝️
ASGOE: Against the spiritual Forces of evil πŸ‘ΏπŸš«

NEM: New (mercies) every morning πŸŒ…
LYLS: Let your LightπŸ’₯Shine
TRYM: Be Transformed by the
Renewing of your Mind

RAW: Reverence & Awe
FGOG: Free Gift 🎁 of God
KOA: Be Kind πŸ™‚to one Another
GIL: God is Love ❤️ ✝️

LAGL: Live a godly Life
BOHM: Because of HIS mercies
NRLTL: Narrow road πŸ›£️ leads to Life
SAMN: Supply all my Needs

BAP: Blessed are the Peacemakers πŸ•Š️✌️
SORTS: Those who Wait on the Lord shall renew their Strength πŸ’ͺ
OPS: Our present Suffering
GATY: Grace abound to you
SHUK: Seek HIS kingdom

TYGER: Thank you God, Eternal Reality πŸ‘πŸ…
EOA: Encourage one Another
SLUM: The Spirit πŸ•Š️ of the Lord is upon me
SIFTS: Spirit Intercedes for the Saints

WOGLA: The WordπŸ“– of God is Living & Active
BIHD: Baptized into His Death ☠️ ☝️
FATFB: The Fullness of Assurance
that Faith ✝️ brings