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The Christian Century - Thoughtful, Independent, Progressive

Reformation Theology Blog

the good ol' days (or not so good ?)

THIS IS A PHOTO FROM THE "OLD DAYS" AT FULLER SEMINARY top floor old library i needed 3 carrels for all my stuff,


Monday, June 17, 2024

Are secular lefty activist targeting the Christian Reformed Church ?

The @CRCNA for those who don't know is the Christian Reformed Church North America and they have a Synod every year which is kind of comparable to the way Congress works. There are motions & agendas &time to speak for or against etc. they also live stream with 20 minute delay to YouTube, & allow commentary.

 However, they are those with a lefty agenda who have discovered they can propagandize via commentary against the conservative agenda of the CRC. And the same Lefty activists also will false flag conservative commentary making it more likely that conservatives get blocked by the moderator despite the CRC being a historically conservative denomination. 

 Fortunately however on this important motion tonight the spirit of wisdom prevailed, praise the Lord. I was praying mightily for it to happen.

Meanwhile I hope somebody can reach out to the YouTube moderator (an unnamed CRC staff member) & let them know that they're being played like a puppet by these Lefty activists. (Or, God forbid,  that this moderator him or herself is a lefty activist 👎). 

It's sort of like that cake bakery that refused to bake or design a cake celebrating gay marriage. The gay activists keep going back to him and still do trying to get him into legal trouble, even though there's hundreds of other bakeries who would gladly make them whatever kind of cake they want. 

I'm afraid this is what these activists are trying to do to the CRC. There are numerous denominations especially Presbyterians and Methodist now who welcome any kind of marriage even the pastors can be gay. These activists  insist & demand that the CRC comply as well. Even though  they could go to a presbyterian or Methodist half a mile away.