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Fuller Seminary


The Christian Century - Thoughtful, Independent, Progressive

Reformation Theology Blog

the good ol' days (or not so good ?)

THIS IS A PHOTO FROM THE "OLD DAYS" AT FULLER SEMINARY top floor old library i needed 3 carrels for all my stuff,


Saturday, March 25, 2023

The eternal damage done by cocky midwestern CRC'ers against friendly California Calvinists

The eternal damage done by cocky midwestern CRC'ers  against friendly California Calvinists who go to Calvin is incalculable. 

Every year California Calvinists return to CA after their freshman year Never To Return to Calvin despite having grown up in the CRC just like their fellow Midwestern classmates & dorm mates.

 And even some Midwestern professors are part of, & perpetuate, the passive- aggressive problem of self serving provincialism.