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Fuller Seminary

The Christian Century - Thoughtful, Independent, Progressive

Reformation Theology Blog

the good ol' days (or not so good ?)

THIS IS A PHOTO FROM THE "OLD DAYS" AT FULLER SEMINARY top floor old library i needed 3 carrels for all my stuff,


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

CHRISTIAN POST REFUTES MOUW & CO. "Is there a pro-life evangelical argument for Biden? - ..

CHRISTIAN POST REFUTES  MOUW & CO.   "Is there a pro-life evangelical argument for Biden? - while people are certainly entitled to their own opinion they are not entitled to their own facts. When a guest opinion article employs arguments that severely lack factual context, The Christian Post believes it has a journalistic responsibility to its readers to provide that context and perspective in order to help our readers to decide for themselves the best way to express their pro-life convictions in the voting booth."