I've BEEN SAYING WE NEED A NATL DAY OF PRAYER & REPENTANCE, & FASTING "Is national repentance required before we pray? - ...But what God requires us of now is repentance for our national sins. Prayer alone will not help. Not by itself. If the people repent and ask for forgiveness, God will heal the land and save us from disease and invasion."
SAVING SOUL, NOT JUST SAVING SOULS, IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY & FULLER SEMINARY NEWS: this BEGAN as a defense of SOUL blog, and it STILL is, but I am also adding FULLER SEMINARY NEWS to this blog...albeit remember that some of the soul unbelievers are teaching at fuller seminary (ie nancey murphy et al). This blog is not necessarily a defense of Fuller Seminary...just commentary on what is happening. Not everybody is a soul unbeliever at Fuller Seminary.