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Fuller Seminary




The Christian Century - Thoughtful, Independent, Progressive

Reformation Theology Blog

the good ol' days (or not so good ?)

THIS IS A PHOTO FROM THE "OLD DAYS" AT FULLER SEMINARY top floor old library i needed 3 carrels for all my stuff,


Saturday, October 12, 2019

"Where are we in reaching the last unreached? ... Hint: it hinges on the difference between adopted, reached, and engaged ...The very first step of reaching the remaining unreached people groups will take innovation. After all, many of these unreached people groups have remained unreached because they are so ideologically difficult to impact with the Gospel message..."

"Where are we in reaching the last unreached? ... Hint: it hinges on the difference between adopted, reached, and engaged ...The very first step of reaching the remaining unreached people groups will take innovation. After all, many of these unreached people groups have remained unreached because they are so ideologically difficult to impact with the Gospel message..."
