"Sunni and Shia Muslims observe Ashura for different reasons and in different ways. For some, Ashura is the day Noah exited the Ark and the Israelites escaped Egypt. For the minority Shia branch of Islam, which makes up 10 percent of Muslims worldwide , Ashura mourns the martyrdom of Mohammed's grandson Husayn ibn Ali, the third Shia Imam..."
SAVING SOUL, NOT JUST SAVING SOULS, IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY & FULLER SEMINARY NEWS: this BEGAN as a defense of SOUL blog, and it STILL is, but I am also adding FULLER SEMINARY NEWS to this blog...albeit remember that some of the soul unbelievers are teaching at fuller seminary (ie nancey murphy et al). This blog is not necessarily a defense of Fuller Seminary...just commentary on what is happening. Not everybody is a soul unbeliever at Fuller Seminary.