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Fuller Seminary


The Christian Century - Thoughtful, Independent, Progressive

Reformation Theology Blog

the good ol' days (or not so good ?)

THIS IS A PHOTO FROM THE "OLD DAYS" AT FULLER SEMINARY top floor old library i needed 3 carrels for all my stuff,


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

"How to pray for Shia Muslims during Ashura ...Sunni and Shia Muslims observe Ashura for different reasons"

"Sunni and Shia Muslims observe Ashura for different reasons and in different ways. For some, Ashura is the day Noah exited the Ark and the Israelites escaped Egypt. For the minority Shia branch of Islam, which makes up 10 percent of Muslims worldwide , Ashura mourns the martyrdom of Mohammed's grandson Husayn ibn Ali, the third Shia Imam..."
