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Fuller Seminary

The Christian Century - Thoughtful, Independent, Progressive

Reformation Theology Blog

the good ol' days (or not so good ?)

THIS IS A PHOTO FROM THE "OLD DAYS" AT FULLER SEMINARY top floor old library i needed 3 carrels for all my stuff,


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Ode to Life πŸ™✝️πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ΌπŸ€±πŸ‘¨‍πŸΌπŸ‘©‍πŸΌπŸ§‘‍🍼


From the moment of conception's spark,
A life begins, though small & stark.
A precious soul, so pure & new,
A gift from God✝️, both bright & true.

In the womb, God knows their name,
Each tiny heartbeatπŸ’“ ,not the same.
In His image, they are made,
With love so deep, it will not fade.

Before their eyes πŸ‘€ have seen the day,
God has planned their every way.
Innocence wrapped in tender form,
A miracle within the storm.

Their hands are small, their hearts so light,
They are precious in His sight.
Each child a wonder, life divine,
God's perfect ⭐work, His grand design.

He knew them long before their birth,
Each baby carries endless worth.
With purpose woven into time,
A life ordained by hands sublime.

How can we then ignore the plea,
To guard them with sincerity?
To shield the innocent from harm,
And cradle them within our arms?

For they are souls with futures bright,
Created for His holy light.
The Lord commands us to defend,
The unborn πŸ•Š️ life He longs to mend.

So let us stand for those unseen,
For every child, both pure & clean.
In love, protect them from all strife,
For in God's eyes, they carry life.

Each baby's worth is more than gold,
A treasure that cannot be sold.
To save, to love, to nurture too,
For every life, God calls on You

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Trump's thoughts about corrupt debate moderator Linsey Davis are my thoughts about Nancey Murphy

"The former president also took a swipe at the co-moderator Linsey Davis, who provided the first fact-check of the debate against him.

"I never heard of her. I never want to hear of her. She was terrible. I don't know how she ever got her job in the first place," Trump said. "But we have a country to save, and we can't have fake news like that. And his ratings deserve to go down."

Trump hits ABC News, 'lightweight' David Muir, accuses network of violating debate agreement with fact-checks | Fox News

Monday, September 16, 2024

πŸ‘πŸ˜€"Seattle pastor arrested for reading the Bible WINS legal battle " 

"The legal agreement allows the pastor the freedom to share the Gospel in Seattle without the threat of arrest, coupled with monetary compensation for past grievances and attorneys' fees..."

Saturday, September 7, 2024



one of the problems at Fuller Seminary is that

 one of the problems at Fuller Seminary is that if one person  on the faculty does something unethical, the rest of the faculty and staff will support the person regardless of the facts. They think of themselves as a "team" committed to one another. You may say, "This is a good thing"; but what about the victim ? Students come here from ALL OVER the WORLD (literally) with expectations of the BEST CONDUCT by Fuller faculty & staff, rightly so. If one professor goes ROGUE the rest of the faculty should take a stand against such a professor, rather than join forces against the student (victim). Otherwise Fuller is nothing more than just BIG BUSINESS , with professors making handsome salaries and speaking eloquent "God talk". We pray for some introspection at Fuller: ethics & morality are paramount ! Sure, you can get away with less than your best; there's not much way to held you accountable. Trust me, I know. I tried. BUT GOD WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE ! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

DIED 2010, FULLER ALUM "Obituaries: Elizabeth Ann 'Betsy' Edwards, 69, missionary and teacher, dies in Kabul, Afghanistan"

""One thing we do know—she went home to Jesus doing what she loved…serving the people and especially the women of Afghanistan whom she loved dearly," noted Pastor Don Beacham of Grace Community Church, Arlington, TX.


(Nancey married somebody 27 years older?) did NANCEY CLAIRE MURPHY retire in 2017 ? Hoping so.

 but the Fuller Sem website suggests she's still there 

(unless they do this for every 

elderly professor until they die) 


(anyways, whatever the case may be, the kind words spoken about here do NOT REFLECT the Nancey I "knew" when I was there. In fact, upon arrival at Fuller I had NEVER HEARD OF her name before. And I did NOT request to be in her class. My advisor just suggested it and it was a required class to complete my M.Div so I said "sure, why not". Apparently me not knowing who she was or is INFURIATED HER and she made sure I knew who she was by the end of the class by employing unprofessional if not illegal classroom behavior (which is partly why I sued Fuller Seminary ex post facto). The Nancey Murphy I "knew" from sitting thru a quarter of classes is a very petty person who is arrogant and a prima donna . I did not experience a kind and thoughtful person whatsoever. But I will leave it at that for now.


 BORN IN 1951 also see 

 HER late husband  James McClendon Jr

 was born in 1924 & died in 2000 . 

He was also a professor

 at Fuller Seminary.  

also see 



I will return to this for more analysis later. stay tuned. 

meanwhile you can read the article below. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

rest-in-peace: Russell Spittler. January 2023
""Russ Spittler played a significant role not only in bringing Fuller into the 21st century, but also in supporting and undergirding the elevation of the seminary's academic profile, so that by the end of the 1990s, Fuller was one of the leading evangelical seminaries in the world," said Amos Yong, dean of the School of Mission and Theology..."

rest-in-peace Daniel Fuller (June 2023), only child of Fuller Founder, Charles

"After completing his undergraduate studies at the University of California, Berkeley, Daniel Fuller graduated from Fuller Seminary with a BD degree in 1951 and a ThM in 1952. He further pursued his theological education at Northern Baptist Seminary in Illinois and the University of Basel in Switzerland, where he studied under the theologian, Bo Reicke, earning a doctor of theology degree..."

rest-in-peace, DAVID AUGUSBURGER, October 2023 , age 85

Saturday, August 31, 2024

(Jan 2023) CONDOLENCES re Death of Dr. Gerson Mwiti (Fuller Sem Alum ), apparently murdered in Nairobi Kenya

"founder of the Leadership Institute of Kenya (LIKA) Dr Gershon Kimeu Mwiti in Nairobi....The body of Dr Mwiti, 81 was discovered in his garden moments after the gardener had said they had disagreed over his pay on Saturday, January 14 afternoon..."


does anybody know what happened to lara overbeck at fuller seminary? Hope she is well. Prayers for !

does anybody know what happened to lara overbeck at fuller seminary? Hope she is well. Prayers for !

Friday, August 30, 2024

should Fuller Seminary be re- ACCREDITED ? Do you have complaints, concerns, issues ? Now is the time to speak up

"Fuller Theological Seminary is hosting a comprehensive evaluation visit for reaffirmation of accreditation by the ATS Commission on Accrediting on October 7-10, 2024. The purpose of this visit is to verify that the school meets all applicable Commission Standards of Accreditation. Comments regarding how well the school meets those standards and/or generally demonstrates educational quality may be sent to at least two weeks before the visit. Comments may also or instead be sent in writing to David Scott, Accreditation Liaison Officer ( All comments will be shared with the onsite evaluation committee..."

Fuller Commencement news

2024 Fuller Seminary Commencement Program 

2024 Fuller Seminary commencement video 

PDF: Fuller Seminary 2022

 candidates for degrees

note: I took these from Fuller's website, but the date for the 2022 AND 2021 AND 2020 commencement ceremonies looks to be the same ("June 11, 2022"). Not sure if there's a typo or what. Scrolling further, you will notice different names, so the clerical error may be just the cover pages- perhaps it was just an error related to what they posted online ex post facto (hopefully; otherwise pretty embarrassing) 

Fuller Seminary 2021

 commencement program 

pdf : FULLER seminary 2020 

candidates for degrees

2019 Fuller Seminary 

commencement video 

"Fuller Celebrates Students at

 Historic 70th Commencement"

Fuller Seminary 2021 commencement program

click here to view in PDF format 

what happened to Harrison Ridgeway who played "security guard" at Fuller (also enrolled as a student) around 2000

Friday, August 23, 2024

very unprofessional behavior (to put it mildly) by a professor named Nancey Murphy (is she still at Fuller?) (she was SO CHILDISH

 i confronted her, which caused her 
to have a temper tantrum 

Vote Your Values ✝️"Ralph Reed on The Power of Christian Voters: How Their Voice Can Shape Election Victory for Christian Values -" 

"Brat and Reed's discussion took a motivational turn as Reed detailed the Faith and Freedom Coalition's ambitious plan to mobilize voters. "We will knock on 10 million doors and reach 17 to 18 million Evangelical and pro-life Roman Catholic voters at their homes between now and November 5th..."

ARE PRO LIFE πŸ’œ✝️πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‘Ά

Monday, August 19, 2024

πŸ‘✝️πŸ™πŸŒŽ"Amazing 'Jesus Revolution' Reported in Iran - Mosques Close as Muslims Turn to Christianity | " 

And the people of Iran are looking at this and they are saying, 'Wait a minute. If this is what Islam has brought us in the last 45 years, we're not interested. We want to know what the other options are.'"